Course Syllabus
These are the topics we will be covering during the course. Scroll down to Course Content to begin. Good luck!
Lesson 1 Confident parenting
Why the need for parenting courses?
Get rid of guilt!
What is parental authority and where did we lose it?
How can we regain confidence in parental authority?
Lesson 2 Understanding the dynamics
The child’s behavior is not driven by causes and reasons.
Human behavior is goal-oriented.
What motivates change in behavior?
Lesson 3 Understanding the purpose of the child’s behavior
What is the purpose of the behavior?
How is this purpose attained?
How can we enable a connection of cooperation?
Lesson 4 How the child belongs by receiving attention
How does the ‘attention-getting connection’ manifest itself?
Does giving attention help or hinder?
How much attention is necessary?
How do we deal with behavior that constantly demands attention?
Lesson 5 How the child connects through power struggle
Identifying a power struggle in the dynamics.
Understanding how the child is ultimately the winner in a power struggle.
How to disengage from the power struggle.
- Differentiating between belonging by power struggle vs. attention-getting.
Lesson 6 How to really encourage
Does positive reinforcement strengthen or weaken?
Is there a correlation between our expectations and the child’s performance?
How belief and trust brings out hidden strengths and abilities.
Examples of seeing beyond and expecting more that can make all the difference.
Lesson 7 Children and responsibility
What is responsibility?
How is responsibility transferred or taken?
Understanding the parent’s role in the dynamics of passing on responsibility.
Relying on the child as the foundation for his becoming responsible.
Lesson 8 Rewarding and penalizing
Are prizes and punishments effective in the long run?
Understanding the natural and logical consequence of behavior.
Learning how to rely on the child to deal with consequences of his actions.
Lesson 9 Dynamics between siblings
Understanding the diversity between our children.
Is character changeable or a permanent trait?
Dealing with sibling rivalry.
Lesson 10 Summing it up
Honoring parents as the basis for healthy family dynamics.
- Seeing the good which sets the pace for positive change.