Are you constantly at odds with your children?
Feeling drained and full of guilt by the end of the day?

Are you tired of your kids fighting and bickering?
Is the atmosphere in your home not what you dreamt it would be?

Do you believe that parenting can actually be enjoyable?
Would you like to simply enjoy raising your children?
Maybe it’s time for something new
The Shefer Approach
The Shefer Institute was established in response to the growing disarray and urgent needs of the modern family as characterized by:
- Loss of parental authority
- Helplessness when challenged by children’s behavior
- Parental stress due to overwhelming guilt feelings
The Shefer approach offers parents an opportunity to engage in fascinating and deep introspection regarding the parent-child relationship, thereby attaining an understanding of the dynamics between parent and child. This understanding ultimately leads to improvement in the behavior of the child as well as the general atmosphere in the home.
This approach doesn’t offer tips or specific methods, rather it provides parents with a new outlook regarding their children’s behavior. Attaining a new understanding of the dynamics is the tool for solving dilemmas with children of all ages, while enabling the children to develop hidden strengths and talents as parents rediscover the joy in raising their children!
For more information about the Shefer approach, click here.
About Chagit
Parenting has its ups and downs.
While raising my five children, I instinctively felt that keeping things simple and sensible was usually the best course of action. Simple and sensible meant sticking to basic common sense and not getting carried away by overly dramatic situations and reactions.
Deep down, there was an innate realization that this was the path to follow. Yet, I was finding my way along this path without specific guidance. I could only rely on instinct, and often, it was a course of trial and error. In the course of time, and to my good fortune, I was introduced to the SHEFER APPROACH.
While eye-opening, it also confirmed many things that were already prevalent in my mindset. I found that the basic instincts that I had relied on were now structured practically and sensibly. I enthusiastically embraced and applied the principles of the approach, and the results were amazing!
This inspired me to ‘spread the good word’ and train to become a counsellor and consultant at the Shefer Institute in Jerusalem. I have since been offering consultations and facilitating workshops in Hebrew and English in live groups and through video and audio sessions. I have also been privileged to translate Trust Yourself, Trust Your Child, the book that gives an in-depth view of the approach.
I invite you to SHEFERCOURSE, where I have combined my experience as a parenting counsellor and consultant to create a user-friendly online course to bring the Joy of Parenting to every home.

10 video sessions
The course is comprised of:
Ten modules are to be viewed at weekly intervals.
Each module includes a detailed breakdown of a specific topic, incorporating an explanatory video, written FAQs and articles, and exercises for following up and implementing the concepts.
Rest assured, we’re here for you. The ongoing chat option is available for 4 months in SHEFERCOURSE BASIC and 6 months in SHEFERCOURSE PLUS. It’s designed to ensure a thorough understanding of the approach, helping you internalize the concepts and apply them to your daily life.
In addition, you will receive a journal with highlights of the concepts and recommended exercises, as well as options to log your insights and progress. This will help you maintain the Shefer mindset as you implement what you have learned during and after completion of the course.
Upon purchasing the course, you will receive the book Trust Yourself, Trust Your Child, which provides an in-depth understanding of the approach to complete the learning experience. This will enable you to adopt the new mindset with clarity that will bring joy to your parenting.
Our course is meticulously designed to leave no stone unturned in the quest to enable an in-depth understanding of the concepts. The respective topics follow a set sequence, with each new concept fitting like a piece of a puzzle to the preceding lesson, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Eventually, a beautiful tapestry will be woven from your learning experience as you implement the new outlook and mindset.
The Cost
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book: Trust yourself, Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 4 months.
- Two live consultation by zoom or phone (1 hour each).
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book: Trust yourself, Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 6 months.
- Four live consultation by zoom or phone (1 hour each).
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book: Trust yourself, Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 10 months.
- Eight live consultation by zoom or phone (1 hour each).

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Shefer approach appropriate for all ages?
Yes!! It is relevant from ages 0-20 (yes, including teenagers!). We deal with dynamics between parents and children. Dynamics are not age-related. The course will verify that concept in depth.
Does the approach address my values?
In the Shefer Approach we don’t talk about values or about what is right or wrong in raising your children.
We respect that every family has a value system that they choose to live by. And we are here to help you attain cooperation to implement your values.
That being said, you will find that the principles of the Shefer approach are very much in sync with basic Jewish values that give us a clear ‘blueprint’ of healthy home and family dynamics.
My aim is to bring to you the concepts and principles of the Shefer approach that have already facilitated a return to the common sense and natural instincts of parenting in thousands of homes.
The resulting change in behavior and attitude of the children as well as the atmosphere of the home speaks for itself. Discover the joy of (confident!) parenting as you learn to believe and rely on yourself, as well as on your children.
How many sessions is the course?
The course comprises of 10 online video sessions that will be sent to you each week.
What if I have questions about concepts that are new to me in the duration of the course?
You can email me at chagit@chagit.co.il with any questions. I’ll reply within 48 hours. We will also be able to clarify things in the one-on-one video/audio meetings that are part of the course package.
What happens after the course?
Remember, the key to mastering the concepts you’ve learned is practice. The lessons are available for as long as you need them, allowing you to reinforce your knowledge and integrate the new mindset into your daily life.
In addition, there is an option to set up a private video or audio ‘booster’ consultation session at any time after completing the course. Graduates of the course are entitled to a 25% discount on the regular consultation fee.
How much does the course cost?
You receive:
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book-Trust yourself – Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 4 months.
- Two live consultation by zoom or phone (1 hour).
You receive:
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book-Trust yourself – Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 6 months.
- Four live consultation by zoom or phone (1 hour).
You receive:
- 10 video lessons to be viewed on a weekly basis at your convenience.
- FAQs and comprehensive reading material about each concept.
- Course journal with concise summaries and implementation.
- The book-Trust yourself – Trust your child.
- Ongoing Q & A support by email for 10 months
- Eight live consultation by zoom or phone.(1 hour)
What if I don't feel the approach is for me?
Do you offer a free consultation?
Get in touch
You take your parenting seriously, your time is precious and you probably have questions before you commit yourself to this course. I am happy to address any inquiry that you may have regarding the course and the Shefer Approach in general.
Contact Me
Email Address
Online – anywhere in the world!
Phone Number
+972 50-771-0804
Free Consultation
Click here to set up a free discovery call to see if this course is right for you.